October 04 - October 05

Caroline Picard

Caroline Picard

"I am not over the hill. I'm standing on top of the mountain." Caroline likes her show to feel like a rock concert did back in the day. The AARP generation can still rock! She is a straight from the bayou, blue collar, take no prisoners, call 'em like she sees 'em stand-up comic with the bite of an alligator. Everyone and everything is fair game to this hilarious lady!!

A favorite in comedy clubs, XM Radio, AOL Radio, Pandora, National Lampoon Radio, and in the Middle East, where she has entertained our troops over 16 times.

10/04/2024 8:00 PM

Door Time: 7:00 PM

Other Showtimes

Doors open Fridays at 3PM. Saturdays at 6PM.

Parking is well lit and safe, right in front of the Club.

Full service bar and menu with friendly servers at your table.

"I am not over the hill. I'm standing on top of the mountain." Caroline likes her show to feel like a rock concert did back in the day. The AARP generation can still rock! She is a straight from the bayou, blue collar, take no prisoners, call 'em like she sees 'em stand-up comic with the bite of an alligator. Everyone and everything is fair game to this hilarious lady!!

A favorite in comedy clubs, XM Radio, AOL Radio, Pandora, National Lampoon Radio, and in the Middle East, where she has entertained our troops over 16 times.