August 03

Katrina Brown

Katrina Brown

Katrina has no filter when it comes to keeping her material real, relatable, and honest. She'll say things you wish you were bold enough to say. She's blue enough to merit a PG-17 rating and clean enough to not horrify people. Katrina leaves her audiences better for the experience of having seen the Mutant Queen of Ohio Comedy!!  ** Coast to Coast Comedy, "Laugh Out Loud St. Louis"

08/03/2024 8:00 PM

Door Time: 7:00 PM

Other Showtimes

Doors open Fridays at 3PM. Saturdays at 6PM.

Parking is well lit and safe, right in front of the Club.

Full service bar and menu with friendly servers at your table.

Katrina has no filter when it comes to keeping her material real, relatable, and honest. She'll say things you wish you were bold enough to say. She's blue enough to merit a PG-17 rating and clean enough to not horrify people. Katrina leaves her audiences better for the experience of having seen the Mutant Queen of Ohio Comedy!!  ** Coast to Coast Comedy, "Laugh Out Loud St. Louis"